This database has 1500+ records about university and campus recruiters who are hiring students to fill entry-level positions at top companies, such as Ernst&Young, Microsoft, Deloitte, Facebook, KPMG, Amazon, Accenture, Google, Bank of America, PwC and others (130+ companies in 327 cities and 39 states)
How to use it?
Access Dashboard or Google Sheet (see below)
Find university recruiters from a company that you like
Click URL to find their LinkedIn profiles on Google (usually the first result is what you need)
Verify that this is the right person
Send a connection request, add a message explaining who you are and what is your major and school
If a recruiter accepts your invitation, ask 2-3 questions about available opportunities and a recruiting cycle. If a recruiter doesn’t respond, send an InMail or try another person
Update your resume and LinkedIn profile to maximize your chances. Submit a Form if you need my help
Here is a template that will help you to start a conversation:
Hi (NAME), I hope you’re well! My name is ______, a current (WHAT YEAR) year at (UNIVERSITY). I wanted to reach out to learn more about opportunities for students. I would love to learn more about your experiences at (COMPANY). Looking forward to hearing from you! Thank you, (YOUR NAME)
Dashboard and Database