How to download your LinkedIn data?
You own your data, not LinkedIn. Since you own it, you can download it
Here are 8 categories that you can download: Articles, Connections, Imported Contacts, Messages, Invitations, Profile, Recommendations, Registration
💡 Download your data. Go to "Me" > Setting & Privacy > How LinkedIn uses your data > Get a copy of your data > Select what you want to download, request, input your login & password. Wait for 10-30 minutes, LinkedIn will send it to you
💡 Tracking network activity is easier than you think. Download Messages and Connections from LinkedIn. And use my Active Network Tool. Make a copy of the Tool to your Drive, follow instructions, and enjoy using it. The active network consists of connections with whom you had messages during the past 90 days (or you can change this period and adjust the formula)
💡 During the COVID-19 period, it became easier to add like-minded strangers to your network but it's still challenging to follow up thousands of new connections and keep them active. With this tool, your life will be easier
Active Network Tool -
Tutorial -
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